
It’s no surprise to me that Satan took the form of a snake. (My apologies to the snake lovers out there.)  Snakes are horrible creatures and its fitting that this reptile is somehow involved in the fall of mankind.

Genesis is one of those books that just kind of blows your mind at every page turn. Trying to envision what the creation of the world looked like. What did God think about when he created humans? Imagining what it was like to live in the Garden of Eden. No guilt. No shame. No pain. We haven’t experienced a day without those things.

I sometimes think that Eve was ridiculous and Adam was weak when I look at “the fall.” They were in paradise. They wanted for nothing. And yet a snake, was able to put forth an idea that caused them to disobey God. So dumb.

And yet here I am, wrestling with the same sins over and over. I know Jesus. I live in a paradise compared to 95% of the world. And I’m still not sure that I am good enough. The lie isn’t that I am (because none of us are) good enough, but that I don’t have to be. There isn’t anything that I can do to earn my way. There isn’t anything I can do that will make God love me more.

And that reminds me that  I need to do a better job of loving others. Why? Because each of us have something that we are struggling with. “The fall” has had lasting consequences on each of us. Guilt. Shame. Pain. We need to help each other to remember how God sees us. We need to help each other decipher the lies. We need to help each other put down the apple.

Do you have a sin that you are wrestling with over and over?   What is the apple that you keep reaching for? What can we do for each other to make the truth about who we are and how we’re made easier to see, and stronger than the lies we are told? Who, in your life, can you help?


Lisa Adams,
Director of Missions and Care


This week, as a staff, we gathered in small groups and studied Genesis. Its super refreshing to be able to create space in your day to talk about what we’ve been studying this week. My group spent a lot of time talking about how God created us to be creators, like Him. I love that God created us to be creative.

We create art, poetry, buildings, businesses, the list goes on and on. We are able to physically create something and make it beautiful. That’s pretty incredible in and of itself.

While we are not all wired to be architects or poets, we are all creators in our own right. We are creating a legacy with how we live our lives. We are creating a name for Jesus. We are showing the wold through our words and actions who Jesus is, and what love looks, sounds and feels like.

This past Monday, we hosted the Strengthening Families Roundtable and it was a huge success!  A special thanks to the organizations and the Crossroads families who were here to answer questions, and provide information. Also, a huge thank you for all who attended, and who are wrestling with the idea of what it looks like to create space in your home and heart for children who need to feel that love and support!

Finally, I just want to let you know that on October 5th after the 11:15 there will be an informational meeting about the Honduras mission trip that is set to go in January. If you’ve been wanting to get away from the Minnesota Winter, which I hear will be a doozey again this year, and have a heart for helping people, this maybe the trip for you!

We are all wired differently, yes, but we all created with the ability to create a world where love wins. A world where we love our neighbors across the world and across the street, where we fight against slavery, violence and poverty. We can create a world where there are no orphans, there is no hunger, and clean water for everyone. That’s the kind of creator I want to be.

Please join us the weekend as we dive deeper into Genesis and learn about how things were supposed to be, and how God has come to our rescue. It’s going to be a great weekend!


Lisa Adams,
Director of Missions and Care

In the Beginning…

I love Fall. Love is actually an understatement for how I feel about this season.  It’s my favorite.  I love the colors, the leaves, bonfires, football games, school supplies, and yes, pumpkin spice lattes. But my favorite thing about fall is actually that it always reminds me of my roots. Of home. Of my humble, simple beginnings.

This season Crossroads is going back to our roots, too. We are taking an 11 week look at where we can from, in our new series The Starting Point: A Journey through Genesis. I’m super excited about this series because we get to look back on how it all began. How through God’s powerful words and the dust of the earth, life as we know it was born, and it was good. We will be reminded of God’s perfect plan, how it was supposed to be, how we messed it up, and what he does to redeem it. It’s the most beautiful love story and we are a part of it. I’m excited to see what God with these next 11 weeks, and how we’ll be changed by it.

While we’re on the topic of beginnings, has the idea of adoption or foster care ever crossed your mind? Have you thought it would be a great fit for you (and your family) but weren’t quite sure where to begin? This Monday, September 15 at 6:30pm we’ll be hosting a Strengthening Families Roundtable at the Woodbury Campus. It’s an evening to ask questions about domestic and foreign adoption, foster care and other ways to help families who are in crisis. There will be a Q&A, as well as Crossroads Families who have been through the foster and/or adoption process to talk to! It’s sure to be a great night!

Finally, our mission partner, Urban Ventures is starting something new this season, too! The Urban Ventures Mobile Farmers Market will be at the Cottage Grove Campus this Sunday! What’s a mobile farmers market? It’s a full-service market that sells fresh food in neighborhoods where it’s difficult to find. If you’ve been to Growing Hope Farm, you’ve touched the food available at the Mobile Market!  This Sunday, you won’t have to go to the Farmer’s Market, it will come to you! Be sure to stop by and check out the new ways Urban Ventures is making an impact in the community, and bring some delicious food.

Fall has a lot in store of us this year! Join us this weekend was we look back on the most important beginning, as we wait in anticipation of what’s to come!

See you this weekend!


Lisa Adams,
Director of Missions and Care

Football and Jesus

Do you remember your first “real” sports game?  You know, the one. It’s a team from a different school. You have a sweet uniform. The score counts. You will walk away a winner or a loser.  And you have the potential to make a mistake and/or make a brilliant play.

My youngest son plays his first football game this Saturday. He’s so excited to play a game!  As his mom, I’m pretty excited too!   I love seeing him train and practice to prepare for Saturday. I know the years of flag football and nights spent hanging around the field will pay off with the lessons learned from football. Some of my favorite lessons so far:

  1.  Your equipment matters. Your helmet and pads are critical for protecting yourself.  They also need to fit right so they don’t inhibit your ability to play the game.
  2. Head up. You have to keep your head up when tackling so that you don’t hurt yourself or others.
  3. Teamwork. Everyone has a position to play. Not everyone will make a touch down or carry the ball. But every position is critical.
  4. Perseverance. You have to keep on pushing the ball forward. It may be yard by yard or it might be a long toss down the field, but you have to keep working on it. If you lose a game, you have to show up for practice on Monday and try again.
  5. Discipline. It starts with basic skills and as your mastery improves, there are layers added. Learning how to block, tackle, and read a play all come with practice. You repeat things over and over so that it becomes automatic.   You improve physically and mentally each time you practice. You gain confidence and your body is more physically fit.

Sitting on the sidelines, I’ve realized that there are similarities in football and my faith.  My Bible, my trust in God, my friends, my daily Bible readings, and the time spent putting my faith in action are all critical to me growing as a Christian. I have to “practice” and be disciplined and I need others to be my team mates.

I’ll let you know what lessons we learned after this weekend!


Lisa Adams,
Director of Missions and Care